Published ranking of countries by the number of states of visa-free entry - ForumDaily
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Published ranking of countries by the number of states of visa-free entry

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Henley & Partners has published the Visa Restrictions Index 2016, in which it analyzed visa rules in more than 200 countries and territories of the world. Places in the ranking are ranked by the number of visa-free countries. This is reported on the official Online research.

Russia was on the 48 line ranking. Holders of Russian passports without a visa can visit 105 countries. In 2015, Russia occupied the 49 position (102 of the country).

Israel is in 25th place in the ranking, Moldova is in 52nd place, Ukraine is in 58th place, Georgia and Belarus are in 71st place, Azerbaijan is in 75th place, Armenia is in 80th place, Uzbekistan is in 85th place. m, Turkmenistan - on the 88th.

Germany ranks first in the world for the second year in a row. Holders of German passports without additional documents can visit 177 countries. The second place was taken by Sweden (176 countries), the third was shared by Finland, France, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom (by 175 countries). The United States was in fourth place.

The last places in the ranking went to Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan. The number of visa-free directions for citizens of these countries is not specified.

Previously ForumDaily published a list countries with the highest taxes.

See also:

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