From the US, a caravan of love went to the border with Mexico in support of illegal immigrants. PHOTO - ForumDaily
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From the US, a caravan of love went to the border with Mexico in support of illegal immigrants. A PHOTO

“A caravan of love”, consisting of hundreds of clergy and parishioners from the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles and San Diego, set off from the USA towards the border with Mexico to demonstrate compassion for immigrants suffering from social injustice NBC San Diego.

Photo: Facebook The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego

The caravan left 12 April from Los Angeles and arrived at the border in San Diego.

The caravan stopped at 14-ti predetermined points that represent the sign of the cross, symbolizing the path of the suffering of Jesus Christ.

One of their stops was at the St. John’s Episcopal Church in Chula Vista, where the caravan participants reunited and expressed their sympathy to the immigrants.

“The wall is a reminder of a huge wound that we must heal. Family separation is something that affects so many people in this country,” said Pastor Nancy Frausto of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles.

Frausto, the first Latin American pastor in the Episcopal Diocese in Los Angeles, is also a member of the DACA program.

“This event, in addition to being personal to me, is a reminder to all of us how important it is to take action. There are more than 700 “Dreamers” in this country who pray and hope that one day they will be able to come to their country of origin, meet their grandparents and return to this country again,” Frausto said.

The caravan completed its journey at the Border Friendship Park, where the participants conducted a blessing and communion service to show unity.

Photo: Facebook The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego

Photo: Facebook The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego

Photo: Facebook The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego

Photo: Facebook The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego

Photo: Facebook The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego

Photo: Facebook The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego

Photo: Facebook The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego

Photo: Facebook The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego

Photo: Facebook The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego

Photo: Facebook The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego

Photo: Facebook The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego

  • Recall 11 April, US President Donald Trump decided to strengthen the military presence on the southern border with Mexico, sending more military there soon. According to the Pentagon, about 5 thousands of military personnel are now concentrated on the southern border.
  • March 31 Trump fulfilled his long-standing threat and gave instructions suspend direct support El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, from where caravans of illegal migrants go to America.
  • In February, a coalition of US states 16, led by California, sued the administration of President Donald Trump in connection with his decision to declare an emergency to receive funds to build a wall on the Mexican border.

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