15 best shopping for Columbus Day - ForumDaily
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15 best shopping for Columbus Day

Photo: depositphotos

Photo: depositphotos

Columbus Day is the first long weekend of fall and a time when many people go shopping.

A list of 13 items that will be profitable to buy on this day, collected edition Go Banking Rates.

1. Tours and flights

If for some reason you did not go on vacation in the summer, tours for Columbus Day can be purchased at competitive prices. A week before this day, many offers of tours to the Caribbean islands and Pacific air travel are already appearing. Autumn is the off-season in this region, so prices can be 40% lower compared to the cost of trips in summer or winter.

2. Smartphones and tablets

Stores are trying to make room for new models, so buyers can get discounts up to 20% on older models.

3. Footwear

Summer shoes sales reach their peak on Columbus Day, so on this day summer sandals or sandals can be purchased at a discount of 90%.

4. Accessories

On Columbus Day, accessories can be purchased at a discount of up to 50%, in addition, some networks offer coupons that give an extra discount of 10% or 20%.

5. Handbags

Sellers carry bags to accessories, so they can also get good discounts on Columbus Day.

6. Autumn clothes and jeans

Major discounts on autumn clothes will, of course, be on “black” Friday, but on Columbus Day you can also find very good deals. Different manufacturers offer discounts from 20% to 50%.

7. Halloween Costumes

Of course, November 1 discounts on costumes for Halloween will be much more, but Columbus Day in this regard can be safely put in second place. Costumes for costumes this weekend will be somewhere at 30% lower.

Photo: depositphotos

Photo: depositphotos

8. Autumn Home Decor

Stores are trying to make room for New Year's and Christmas decor, so on Columbus Day you can purchase fall decor (Halloween pumpkins and other decorations related to fall leaves, harvest, etc.) with significant discounts of 50-65%.

9. Cars

Buying a car at the end of the year is always more profitable, and for sellers, Columbus Day is the beginning of the end of year sales.

10. Electronics

On Columbus Day, stores begin to sell off old electronics, freeing up space for new ones. Discounts will reach 20%, although if you wait for “black” Friday or cyber-Monday, you can get better deals.

11. Beach accessories

The summer is over and the shops are in a hurry to sell off the goods associated with it. For example, beach chairs on Columbus Day can be purchased at a discount up to 40%.

12. Suitcases

Summer is the season of vacations and travel. As soon as it ends, discounts on travel bags and suitcases begin in stores. From Columbus Day until the end of the year, they can be purchased at a discount of up to 15%.

13. TVs

Televisions are on the list of electronics, discounts that begin on Columbus Day, prices will fall somewhere in the 20%.

14. Appliances

Historically, most sellers arrange sales of household appliances for Columbus Day. In 2015, these discounts reached 80%.

15. Mattresses

Amerisleep on Columbus Day offers $ 250 discounts on mattresses with the code md250. Discounts will also be in other networks.

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