Five good habits that can extend life by decades

Do you want to extend your life by more than ten years? New research says you can do this if you develop 5 good habits: don't smoke, maintain a correct body mass index, do moderately vigorous exercise, don't drink too much alcohol, stay healthy ...

Do not drink cold water: 5 tips for those who can not stand the heat

If you're sweating and can't stand the stuffiness any longer, try these few cooling methods. Advice for Lifehacker was given by Max Bodyagin, a writer, blogger, podcaster, and media consultant. Next - from the first person. Dear friends, if you can't stand the heat, please...

Harmful or useful: 8 things that still baffle scientists

When it comes to our health, we like straight-forward answers — after all, a lot is at stake, but the reality is not that simple, according to LifeHacker. We are constant victims of personal prejudice and should be more skeptical about things…

Trips with doctors and alternative medicine: how Putin takes care of his health

President Putin is very worried about his body. Moves accompanied by a team of doctors and is interested in non-traditional methods of treatment. What other details about the state of the President of the Russian Federation could be found out, Meduza reports. Since Vladimir Putin became president, the Kremlin has been hiding information about...

Scientists: immigration can adversely affect the health of several generations

Over the past few years, health experts have expressed confidence that a person's health can be significantly influenced by many seemingly non-medical factors—income, housing, education. Professionals say one of the health-determining factors that can influence...

Why not all people are susceptible to foodborne infections and viruses

It often happens that the whole family barely has the dish, and only one person fell down with poisoning. Have you ever wondered why only some people don't get sick during food poisoning outbreaks? Of course, they may not eat the foods that made them sick...

How much and how to move to live longer

It turns out that you don't have to spend long hours in the gym to reduce your risk of heart disease and premature death. Scientists talked about how much and how to move in order to get sick less and live longer. 2,5 hours a week that will lengthen your life Since 2003 ...

Biden began to cough frequently during speeches: Americans were puzzled by the question of the president's health

When US President Joe Biden addressed Americans on December 21 about his administration's response to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases, many social media users raised concerns about the president's own health due to his persistent coughing during his speech. Writes about this ...

Why swimming in contact lenses can cost you a sight

The next time you are going to take a shower or swim in the pool in lenses, remember the experience of Stacy People, who because of this went blind in one eye, writes Today. A resident of Denver, Colorado, was blind in one eye and suffered excruciating pain after ...

Research: being overweight can be beneficial for health and longevity

Middle-aged people who become overweight live longer than their peers who have been physically fit their entire lives. Scientists came to this paradoxical (but for some, very inspiring) conclusion during a study of two generations of Americans, which lasted almost...

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