It's commonly believed that sweat and body odor go hand in hand, but experts say it's a little more complicated than that. According to Harvard Health, sweat itself doesn't have an odor. It's created after sweat comes into contact with…
Maria Brañas Morera, who was the oldest person in the world, died this week at the age of 117. The long-lived woman from Olot (Spain) was practically healthy until her death, except for hearing loss and problems with mobility. Even in recent...
More people between the ages of 45 and 64 are dying from stroke in recent years, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked or a sudden cerebral hemorrhage occurs.…
Everyone knows that exercise is good for your health, but many of us don't exercise enough. Longevity expert Dr. Michael Roizen shared his experience of how he fits exercise into his busy schedule. He has a “walking table” that helps him do...
Microscopic plastic particles found in penises are raising questions about the causes of erectile dysfunction. Contaminants (contaminants that accidentally end up in foods) have recently even been found in testicles and sperm. All this is fraught for men with a decrease in their ability to procreate, writes...
When it comes to our health, we like straight-forward answers — after all, a lot is at stake, but the reality is not that simple, according to LifeHacker. We are constant victims of personal prejudice and should be more skeptical about things…
From a $1 pill that cures diabetes to a mysterious chemical discovered on Easter Island, scientists are searching for the secret to immortality. DailyMail highlights 6 studies that could extend our lives. Chemotherapy drugs may be promising anti-aging treatments...
In early October, a 34-year-old man from India was taken to the hospital because he could not speak or swallow, Vesti Israel writes in Russian. It turned out that he was trying to stop the sneeze - and at the same moment he felt that his neck began to swell, he felt ...
If you want to live a long and comfortable life, you need to eat a longevity diet. And while there are many foods you can consume (or avoid) to prolong your life, what you drink also plays a role. There are plenty of drinks…
Social media has been full of trending health-related topics over the past year. But which of them seemed to experts to be noteworthy trends, and which should be skipped, CBS reports. A range of experts in nutrition, fitness, mental health and more reveal what...