Wealthy Americans Massively Renounce US Citizenship

According to new data compiled by Axios, more of the richest US citizens have been reluctant to be American for some time now. Business Insider writes about this. In 2020, according to the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 6707 Americans renounced their citizenship—that's...

Wealthy Americans underpay $ 175 billion in taxes every year

A study published in March found that individuals in the 1% of Americans with the highest income underestimate their income by at least 20% each year in IRS reports. The Voice of America writes about it. The study used data from the National Bureau of Economic ...

Overtook Bill Gates: Elon Musk became the second richest man in the world

Tesla's credit shares have grown by more than 520% ​​since the beginning of the year - Elon Musk started this year in 35th place in the ranking of the richest people in the world. By November, he soared to second, writes Market Watch. Elon Musk has increased his…

Survey: Americans want to tax millionaires in 70%

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, has proposed raising the top tax rate for those who earn more than $ 10 million a year to 70%. This idea did not appeal to her colleagues from the Capitol, but, as it turned out, she was supported ...

How rich families in New York hire adult nannies

Twice a week around 23 p.m., Jeff Goldstein puts on his spa playlist, lights a candle, and gets a 00-minute massage—courtesy of his kids' nanny. The co-owner of the famous Blue & Cream boutique in Helptons and the East Village admits that at first he was...

Billionaires New York asked to increase taxes for them

The 80 richest New Yorkers, including George Soros, Stephen Rockefeller and Abigail Disney, signed an appeal to the state legislature and Governor Andrew Cuomo. They asked for an increase in the tax rate for the "super-rich", reports golos-ameriki.ru. The authors of the letter believe that they should "pay more" by supporting public schools, ...

TOP-10 cities where rich Americans live

The well-known publication cheatsheet.com has compiled a list of the 10 richest cities in the United States. The journalists compared several statistics: the average household income, the average home value, the percentage of houses without a mortgage, and the average credit limit. As expected, most wealthy Americans live in California. But…

What do rich Americans spend money on?

A quarter of wealthy Americans, whose fortune exceeds $ 25 million, spent $ 2015 thousand on gambling in 25. This is just under half the income of the average American family, which in 2015 was $ 55, writes Time. Another 775% of the rich ...

The state of four hundred Americans exceeds the GDP of Italy

Forbes has published its annual list of the 340 richest people in the United States. As before, this rating is headed by the head of Microsoft Corporation Bill Gates. The combined wealth of the richest Americans is two trillion and XNUMX billion dollars, which exceeds the GDP of countries such as Italy or India. The list is always ...

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