Illegal who saved the child was offered citizenship and work - ForumDaily
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Illegal who saved the child was offered citizenship and work

An immigrant from Mali became a real hero in France after he climbed the facade of a house in Paris without insurance in order to save a child clinging to the edge of a balcony from his last strength.

Photos: Facebook

Video of the miraculous rescue instantly scattered on social networks, writes Air force.

Less than a minute, Mamoud Gassamy took to climbing up to the fourth floor of the building, pulling from one balcony to another, and intercepting a four-year-old boy from the hands of a man who tried to keep a child from falling, leaning over a balcony partition from a nearby apartment.

President Emmanuel Macron invited 22-year-old Gassam on Monday to visit the Elysée Palace to personally express his thanks on behalf of all the French.

He rewarded the migrant with a courage medal, promised to resolve the issue of citizenship and offered to work as a lifeguard on an ongoing basis.

It is not known what the migrant answered to the president’s proposals.

Mamoud Hassam at a meeting with the President of France. Photos from Twitter Emmanuel Macron

The video of the miraculous salvation was published in Facebook on Saturday evening, since then, almost seven million people have already watched it.

Paris Mayor Ann Hidalgo also expressed her admiration for the Malian’s heroism and said that she personally thanked the rescuer by phone.

She called him the “Spider-Man of the 18th arrondissement,” referring to the administrative district of Paris where the drama with a happy ending unfolded.

Photos: Facebook

“Bravo to Mamoudou Gassama for his courageous act that saved the life of a child,” Hidalgo tweeted.

According to her, a young man told her that he had come to France from Mali a few months ago in the hope of starting a new life.

“I replied that his heroic gesture was an example for all citizens and that Paris would certainly happily support his desire to settle in France,” the mayor added.

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The incident occurred on Saturday evening in a street in the north of the French capital.

Gassama told reporters that he was just passing by when he saw people crowding near one of the houses, who were looking up.

“I did it because it was a child,” he is quoted as saying Le Parisien. “I climbed... Thank God, I managed to save him.”

Rescuers who arrived at the scene found that the child was already safe.

“It’s fortunate that there was a person nearby who was physically prepared enough and had the courage to rush to the aid of the child,” he told the agency France press representative of the fire rescue service.

According to local media, the parents of the child at this time was not at home.

The father was interrogated by the police on suspicion of neglecting their parental duties. The boy’s mother, as far as we know, was not in Paris on Saturday.

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