LIH warned of terrorist attacks in the United States on holidays: possible targets were named - ForumDaily
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LIH warned of terrorist attacks in the United States on holidays: possible targets were named

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The Islamic State is calling on its supporters to attack churches in the United States during the Christmas holidays. The message, which was published by the Jihadist Secrets group, said that the movement hopes that there will be “lone wolves” who can turn the Christmas holiday into a bloody horror film, reports USA Today.

Sources of publication Vocative The activists say they use the Telegram social network to exchange encrypted messages, and they also spread instructions on how best to make an attack using explosives.

In addition to 50, the country's most popular churches, activists offer supporters to attack crowded cafes, hotels, markets, public places.

For the publication of these messages have already otregiroval law enforcement agencies. Security measures strengthened throughout the country.

Recall that the terrorist group "Islamic State" claimed responsibility for the attack at the Christmas market in Berlin, where 12 people were killed, reports The New York Post. Monday's incident reminded many of the Bastille Day attack in Nice on July 14, when a truck drove into a crowd and killed 86 people. The jihadist group “Islamic State,” which is banned in many countries, then claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack.

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