Where can I buy school supplies without taxes this week - ForumDaily
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Where can I buy school supplies without taxes this week?

Photo: depositphotos.com

Photo: depositphotos.com

Immediately in 12 states this week will be massive sales of goods that will not be taxed.

July and August are the months with the traditionally lowest turnover. In order to revive trade in the low season, governments of a number of states annually arrange weekends without taxes - state taxes are not levied on certain categories of goods on one of the weekends of July-August. In the upcoming weekend sales under the motto "Soon to school" will be held immediately in 12 states.

Residents of Maryland and Connecticut were even more fortunate - in August, these states will have weeks of sales of goods without tax. In Maryland, such a week is scheduled for the period from 14 to 20 in August, in Connecticut - from 21 to 27 in August.

If you live in one of the following states, do not miss the chance to take advantage of discounts already this weekend:

Iowa (clothing) - from 5 to 6 in August;

Alabama (sales of clothes, computers, books, school supplies) - from 5 to August 7;

Arkansas (clothing, school supplies) - from 6 to 7 in August;

Virginia (clothing, school supplies) - from 5 to 7 in August;

Louisiana (any purchases for personal needs in the amount of not more than $ 2500) - from 5 to August 6;

Missouri (clothing, computers, school supplies) - from 5 to 7 in August;

New Mexico (clothing, computers, school supplies) - from 5 to 7 in August;

Ohio (clothing and school supplies) - from 5 to August 7;

Oklahoma (clothing) - from 5 to August 7;

Texas (clothing, backpacks, school supplies) - from 5 to 7 in August;

Florida (clothing and shoes) - from 5 to 7 in August;

South Carolina (clothing, school supplies, computers) - from 5 to 7 in August;

For more information, please visit Freetaxweekend.com

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