Santa Ana winds deprived California residents of electricity and intensified fires - ForumDaily
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Santa Ana winds deprived California residents of electricity and intensified fires


Strong Santa Ana winds left tens of thousands of Southern California residents without power and ignited fires in dry Ontario, Canada, ABC News reported. By Sunday morning, power supply to the region had been successfully restored.

Due to wind gusts that reached 143 km / h, the outage affected more than 54 thousands of California families, mainly in the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles. This was announced by representatives of the Department of Water Resources and Energy of Los Angeles.

Squalls piled countless trees throughout the region, and even at least one billboard. As a result, power lines suffered. There is also one report that a fallen tree destroyed the kitchen of a residential house in Van Nuys.

Energy company Southern California Edison reported that 1700 its consumers were left without electricity.

In addition, the wind intensified the fire at a waste management facility in the Canadian province of Ontario.

In coastal areas of California are going to introduce a storm warning, writes

Miscellanea Southern California
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