Trump released the first campaign video on TV - ForumDaily
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Trump released the first campaign video on TV

Фото: Depositphotos

For several months, Donald Trump led the race for the nomination from the Republicans, without buying a single TV commercial. And now, a few weeks left before the Iowa primaries (where the Republican presidential candidate will be chosen), Trump in this state overtakes Ted Cruz. And he launched TV commercials in Iowa and New Hampshire for two million dollars a week.

Here is his first video:

«Политики могут притвориться, что это иное, но Дональд Трамп называет это радикальным исламским терроризмом. Вот почему он призывает не пускать мусульман, прибывающих в США, пока мы не выясним, что происходит. Он быстро уничтожит главу «Исламского государства» и заберет их нефть. Он остановить незаконную иммиграцию, возведя стену на нашей южной границы, за строительство которой заплатит Мексика», -говорит голос в ролике.

The ad consists of Trump's "greatest hits," which have drawn much criticism not only from liberals and the media, but also from other Republicans.

The idea of ​​forcing Mexicans to pay for the wall was ridiculed by Jeb Bush, and the idea to ban Muslims from entering was criticized by Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio on fifth republican debates in the past year.

As the Forum previously wrote, Trump said that the “Islamic State” have created Clinton and Obama. He stated this in a speech to supporters in Mississippi.

In the U.S. Republicans election campaign Tramp TV
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