Global network users identify top 10 of the most scenic airports in the world - ForumDaily
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Users of the “global network” have identified the top 10 most picturesque airports in the world

A British online flight booking service has identified 10 the most scenic airports in the world.

The rating was compiled on the basis of online voting, which took place in March-April 2015. It was attended by 3 thousand people. The main criteria: the best views from the porthole during landing, picturesque landscapes, the uniqueness of the airport itself, the favorable location of the runways The list consisted of 147 airports.

The leader this year was Queenstown Airport in New Zealand, and the top three were closed by Las Vegas McCarran Airport and Nice Cote d'Azur Airport in France.

The rating of airports with the most scenic views is as follows:

1. Queenstown Airport - Frankton, New Zealand
2. McCarran Airport - Las Vegas, USA
3. Nice Cote d'Azur Airport - Nice, France
4. Barra Airport - Barra, Scotland
5. Prince Juliana Airport - St Martin's Island
6. Juancho Irausquin Airport - Caribbean Islands
7. Billy Bishop Airport - Toronto, Canada
8. Gibraltar Airport - Gibraltar, UK
9. London City Airport - London, UK
10. Cape Town Airport - Cape Town, South Africa


In the U.S. Las Vegas airport
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