Top posts with salaries of $ 100 000 and above - ForumDaily
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Most requested posts with salaries of $ 100 000 and above



The job search site Glassdoor analyzed and published a list of popular posts in 11, where they pay $ 100 to 000 per year.

Basically, the average salary is not much different from the basic salary. But the list still will meet the points where the salary depends on the commission and bonuses.

  1. Software architect

Total average salary: $ 139 000

Average base salary: $ 130 000

The job requirements are as follows: software architects usually have a bachelor's degree in mathematics or software engineering, but some of them can get coding skills through training courses and more.

2. Regional Sales Manager

Total average salary: $ 103 500

Average base salary: $ 65 000

You may need a college degree to advance your career. The main thing is knowledge of the company’s product and how it can satisfy the client’s needs.

3. Security officer

Total average salary: $ 125 000

Average base salary: $ 121 000

According to Glassdoor, candidates usually must have experience in military or criminal justice.

4. Well drilling engineer

Total average salary: $ 116 500

Average base salary: $ 106 680

Requirements for vacancy: a bachelor's degree in petroleum or engineering.

5. Medical Assistant, Medical Assistant

Total average salary: $ 100 392

Average base salary: $ 100 000

6. Airline pilot

Total average salary: $ 134 000

Average base salary: $ 120 000

Pilots must be licensed by Transport Pilot (ATPL). According to Glassdoor, major airlines prefer pilots who have a bachelor's degree in aviation or physics, as well as those who may have served in the army.

7. Geophysicist

Total average salary: $ 119 380

Average base salary: $ 109 864

Geophysicists must have a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree in geology.

8. Researcher in the field of direct investment

Total average salary: $ 100 000

Average base salary: $ 85 000

The candidate must have a bachelor's degree in finance, economics or similar.

9. Dentist

Total average salary: $ 129 968

Average base salary: $ 125 000

To work as a dentist, a candidate must have a bachelor's degree in science, must pass a Dental Acceptance Test administered by the American Dental Association. It is also necessary to obtain a doctoral degree in the field of dental surgery or medicine before obtaining a license.

10. Petroleum engineer

Total average salary: $ 143 000

Average base salary: $ 125 000

The candidate must have a degree in mechanical engineering. Experience in on-site gas and oil production is also required.

11. Practitioner nurse

Total average salary: $ 101 600

Average base salary: $ 100 000

Practicing nurses should have a master's degree in nursing. Some states require additional certificates.

Every Wednesday, ForumDaily personally selects vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language is an advantage. Check out the last fresh vacancies with salaries up to $ 110 000 per year.

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