Strange laws on alcohol in the United States, which surprised the Russian-speaking immigrant

Author of the channel “Americano | Americano" on Yandex.Zen spoke about American laws regarding alcohol, which surprised him after moving to the United States. Next - from the first person. After moving to the USA, I was constantly surprised by local laws, customs and traditions, but this...

How to organize your vacation: 5 rules

The author of the article, Claudio Araoz, who has spent 20 years searching for top managers for the world's leading companies and has honed his ability to understand people almost to perfection, talks about the correct organization of his vacation, using interesting examples. “A person who really knows how to live does not draw a line...

Burger Arthritis: How Fast Food Triggers Autoimmune Diseases

More and more people around the world are suffering because their immune systems cannot distinguish between healthy cells and invading microorganisms. Defense mechanisms attack their tissues and organs instead, reports TheGuardian. To combat this trend, ...

Enriching our speech: 45 English analogues of Russian proverbs

Let's imagine a typical working day in an American office, Englishdom suggests. During the working day, you can hear a lot of funny phrases. For example, a top manager might reassure their subordinates like this: “It's no use crying over spilled milk. Today we can still achieve great success! ”...

XNUMX stunning US lavender farms that will take you to French Provence

Lavender fields turn Provence in France purple every summer and make us want to get on a plane and hit the road to enjoy the great sights and smells. But if a trip to France is not in your budget in…

Summer is coming: how to prepare your home for the heat

Extreme heat can be dangerous if you're not prepared. It's important to prepare your home for heat waves to avoid diseases associated with summer temperatures, LifeHacker reports. Here are 5 things you should do to prepare for the heat in your area.…

How to save on groceries: 6 apps that sell surplus food for cheap at restaurants, bakeries and other businesses

According to, 40% of food in the United States is wasted, even though much of it is edible. This is a colossal amount of waste. There are food scraping apps that can help you save on groceries and save the planet, reports Happy Sprout. This data…

Where in the USA to buy the medicines we are used to: a list of pharmacies

Corvalol or validol, ivy or plantain syrup, herbal tinctures - these medicinal products familiar to Russian-speaking immigrants cannot be found in American pharmacies, only in specialized ones. And there are many of these in the USA. According to statistics, for every 1000 US residents there are 40 pharmacies.…

Six ways to cut your medical bill in the US

Medical services are expensive, but you have a lot more control over your final bill than you think. The Balance has collected several options on how you can reduce the cost of medical services, regardless of whether you had to go to bed ...

Joy to Work: 37 Jobs with Lowest Stress and Good Pay

Many people want a stress-free job. No matter what industry you're interested in, you can find low-stress jobs. It may not be obvious at first, but there are such positions, according to Career Sherpa. This list of 37 best works…

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