Eight magnificent lavender farms in the USA that will take you to French Provence - ForumDaily
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XNUMX stunning US lavender farms that will take you to French Provence

Lavender fields turn Provence, France purple every summer and make us want to hop on a plane and hit the road to soak in the magnificent sights and smells. But if a trip to France isn't in your budget this year, check out these beautiful lavender farms in the US that don't require a transatlantic flight to visit. Lavender bloom season typically falls in late spring to early summer, so you still have time to plan a trip to the farm. Edition Travel Channel collected 8 magnificent lavender farms.

Photo: IStock

Cape Cod Lavender Farm, Harwich, Massachusetts

Add Cape Cod Lavender Farm to the list of many great reasons to visit Cape Cod in the summer. The family farm sits on 11 acres (4,5 ha) with over 7000 plants, surrounded by 75 acres (30 ha) of protected land with walking trails. The farm is open Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 16:00 and Sunday from 12:00 to 16:00. Lavender blooms at its peak from late June to late July.

Sage Creations Organic Farm, Palisade, Colorado

Visit Sage Creations Organic Farm in Palisade, Colorado to pick lavender bouquets (mid-June to mid-July only), take a tour of the farm, or attend one of their many activities such as Lavender Working where you learn how to make a wreath with lavender, herbs and flowers.

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The farm is open to the public from Thursday to Saturday from 10:00 to 16:00.

Photo: IStock

Hope Hill Lavender Farm, Pottsville, Pennsylvania

Just a two-hour drive from Philadelphia is Hope Hill Family Lavender Farm in Pottsville, PA. Lavender is grown here, which is mainly used for the production of essential oils, as well as for the manufacture of bouquets, culinary and other products from lavender, in particular candles and deodorants.

The farm is open to the public at least two days a month from April to December. During the summer, guests are welcome from 10:00 to 15:00 every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Farm tours run every Saturday at 11:00 am and are available in June, July and August.

Lavender Hill Farm, Boyne City, Michigan

Michigan winters are notorious for being harsh, but the summer months are gorgeous. Plan a trip to Boyne City, Michigan between late June and August to enjoy the carpet of purple that covers Lavender Hill Farm during lavender's peak bloom.

In summer the farm is open daily from 10:00 to 17:00. Various events are held there, such as picnics and yoga classes.

purple haze lavender, Sequim, Washington

Sequim is often called the “lavender capital of the country” because it hosts a large annual lavender festival. The annual Purple Haze Daze lavender festival features live music, food, drinks, fairs, and lilac seas of fragrant lavender.

Photo: IStock

123 Farm Organics, San Bernardino, California

For incredible views, head to Southern California's largest certified organic lavender farm, 123 Farm Organics, located at Highland Springs Ranch & Inn. Admission during lavender season costs $12 per person, $10 for seniors and $8 for students. Lavender season lasts from May 5 to July 23, visiting hours are from 17:00 to 22:00 every day.

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Fragrant Isle Lavender Farm and Shop, Washington Island, Wisconsin

This is a lavender farm and a shop at the same time. You can visit this location any day from 10:00 to 16:00. The farm offers yoga and art classes, lavender massages and gourmet dinners.

White Oak Lavender Farm, Harrisonburg, Virginia

This farm offers double relaxation - walking through lavender fields with a glass of wine in hand. Here they grow their own grapes and make wine with the addition of lavender. The farm is open to the public every day of the week, and in the summer, guests can pick lavender.

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