Experimental space rocket fell in Russia - ForumDaily
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Experimental space rocket fell in Russia

Sources of Russian news agencies claim that after the launch, the rocket flew about ten kilometers, after which it left the trajectory and fell in a sparsely populated area. The Ministry of Emergency Situations confirmed the fact of the incident, noting that there was no explosion or fire.

The ministry added that there was no threat to the residents of the area: the rocket’s fuel did not pose a danger to human life and health, and there were no harmful components or substances on board.

The type of fallen missile is not officially reported. The TASS source claims that this is an experimental solid-fuel booster. According to the agency interlocutor, the total weight of the rocket was a little less than ten tons, and in the separating part there was a blank with measuring equipment.

The last crash of a rocket launched from Plesetsk to date dates back to 2002. Then, a few seconds after launch, the Soyuz-U rocket exploded. One person died.

Rocket Russia At home space rocket
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