Ours in South Korea: personal competition, food cult, and plastic surgery

I've always liked Asian culture. I entered the department of the Korean language at Moscow State University and after the second year I went to Seoul for a month's internship. When she graduated from her bachelor's degree, she immediately applied for a master's degree at Seoul State University. That was four years ago. Now I live in Seoul, writing a dissertation and teaching at a private Russian academy ...

Guests of the Olympics in Phenchkhane feed dog

Despite the government's warning, almost all restaurants in Pyeongchang, South Korea, which host the Winter Olympics, will continue to offer the controversial dog meat dish, Fox News writes. Of the 12 restaurants serving dog meat, only two have complied with the local ...

DPRK soldier fled to South Korea: how is his rehabilitation

On November 13, a DPRK soldier fled across the border to South Korea. The incident was captured by security cameras, but the video of the escape was only released on November 21, writes TJ. At the beginning of the video, a soldier moves towards the border in a military jeep, then runs to the fence ...

Russia, Israel and the United States agreed not to attack each other through computers

A group of UN governmental experts has prepared a recommendation document according to which twenty leading countries of the world have agreed on international information security, the use of cyber technologies for peaceful purposes and the prevention of cyber attacks on critical infrastructure. The signatory countries undertake to fight on their own territory with ...

The film "The Interview" was sent to North Korea in balloons

South Korean activist Lee Min-bok said he sent thousands of DVDs of the American political comedy "The Interview" to North Korea via balloons. Lee said he launched the first balloon in January and the last one last Saturday. Total…

US Ambassador cut face and arm in Seoul

North Korea called the attack on the US ambassador to South Korea "just punishment for American militarists." A report from the Korean Central News Agency said the attacker "unleashed a knife-like stream of justice." Ambassador Mark Lippert was stabbed in the face and arm during a business...

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