One verb - 15 meanings: what word can not do in English

The word GET in English can have several meanings, which can sometimes be confusing. We invite you to consider and learn the most common uses of the word get in English. All these meanings are used in everyday speech and will definitely come in handy for communication. ...

18 British words and phrases that Americans do not understand

The differences between American and British English are not deep enough for native speakers to have trouble understanding each other, but there are many colloquial British words and phrases that don't matter to Americans if they hear them in ...

13 free online English courses that begin in late July

Many people do not have enough money to study English to attend exactly the courses they would like, or the schedule does not fit into the work schedule. ForumDaily has prepared information on 13 online English courses in different directions, which will soon begin in prestigious American ...

Ship or sheep: 6 secrets of training English pronunciation

If the pronunciation of English words is your weak point and ship sounds exactly like sheep in your performance, it's time to fix the situation with the help of these tips. The English alphabet has 26 letters and 44 sounds, recalls Lifehacker. If in…

'Hello, that's all!': In Canada, Zelensky made laugh with his English. VIDEO

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky twice made journalists laugh at press conferences in Toronto, where he arrived for a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. According to the publication “Today,” in the first case, he began his speech in English, saying: “I would like to speak in a language that ...

10 informal English words for all occasions that are not in the dictionary

They say that you cannot consider yourself an expert in a language until you master its slang. Zen.Yandex offers you to learn ten great - or at least impressive - English words that can be used informally in a variety of situations.…

Why are English words forgotten and how to deal with it

Anyone who has tried to learn a foreign language has come across this phenomenon: even if you repeat a new word a hundred times today, tomorrow there will be a blank spot in your memory in its place. There is a reason for this forgetfulness, and it lies in the mechanisms of our memory. But…

Accent in a foreign language: why it appears and how to get rid of it

The reason the accent is so difficult to get rid of when speaking another language is that our ears, from childhood, get used to filtering out frequencies that are not needed to understand our native speech. The BBC Russian Service looked into the answer to the question of what to do.…

Personal experience: how to learn American accent and 'bleed up' pronunciation

“What if, because of my Russian accent, they don’t understand me?” - oh, well ... Let's sort this whole thing down properly. The accent is just a "dialect", as we call it, peculiar to people living in different regions of the same country ...

'I will begin in English': President Zelensky spoke in English. VIDEO

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky spoke in English at NATO headquarters in Brussels. He held a joint briefing with Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Tuesday, June 4, following their meeting. “I will begin in English,” Zelensky said in response to the invitation to speak...

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