10 the most highly paid jobs in the US - ForumDaily
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10 the highest paid jobs in the US

CareerCast's annual ranking of the highest-paying professions in the United States continues to be dominated by healthcare professionals. Doctors took six positions in the “hot ten” at once, including all places in the Top 3.

No.1. Surgeon

Again at the head of the list of surgeons, whose salary is growing exponentially year after year. If in the 2014 year, these specialists received an average of 230 thousand dollars, in a year their salary rose to astronomical 350 thousand dollars.

Average salary in the USA: $ 352220.

Growth forecast for 2022 year: 18%.

No.2. Psychiatrist

The salary of psychiatrists increased over the year by three thousand dollars, which allowed them to outrun the therapists in the fight for second place ranking.

Average salary in the USA: $ 181880.

Growth forecast for 2022 year: 18%.

No.3. Therapist (general practice)

Despite the salary increase of seven thousand dollars per year, general practitioners were not able to retain the second line of the rating.

Average salary in the USA: $180180

Growth forecast for 2022 year: 18%.

No.4. Management corporations (top management)

A newcomer to the CareerCast ranking immediately topped the list of the most highly paid occupations that are not within the scope of health care. Corporate managers receive impressive amounts - from 170 thousand dollars a year.

Average salary in the USA: $ 173320.

Growth forecast for 2022 year: 11%.

No.5. Dentist

Despite one lost position in the ranking, dentists can not lose heart and, as always, show their perfect smile. They still get more 140 thousand dollars a year.

Average salary in the USA: $146340

Growth forecast for 2022 year: 16%.

No.6. Petroleum engineer

For the second year in a row, petroleum engineers ranked sixth with a salary in the 130 area of ​​thousands of dollars. It should be noted that, unlike most medical specialties, a bachelor’s degree is enough to work in the oil industry.

Average salary in the USA: $ 130050.

Growth forecast for 2022 year: 26%.

No.7. Orthodontist

Orthodontists have dropped from fourth to seventh because their average salary has decreased by 20 thousand dollars. Anyway, do not frown - these specialists are able to replenish the family budget for 130 thousands of dollars per year.

Average salary in the USA: $ 129110.

Growth forecast for 2022 year: 16%.

No.8. Data processing specialist

Other newcomers in the top ten of the CareerCast ranking - data processing and analysis specialists - can be proud of having beaten out the list of prosecutors and orthopedic surgeons. Their average earnings are equal to 12 to thousands of dollars a year.

Average salary in the USA: $ 124150.

Growth forecast for 2022 year: 15%.

No.9. Air traffic controller

Air traffic controllers have somewhat lost in money over the past year, but these are just 200 dollars. Their average salary in 2014 was 122 thousands of 530 dollars.

Average salary in the USA: $ 122340.

Growth forecast for 2022 year: 1%.

No.10. Pharmacist

Pharmacists dropped two lines, but lost much more than air traffic controllers — about four thousand dollars. At the end of this year, they, on average, will receive a little more than 120 thousand dollars.

Average salary in the USA: $ 120950.

Growth forecast for 2022 year: 14%.

"Forum" previously provided a rating of cities with the most expensive rental housing in USA. Of the twenty cities on the list, six are in California. In the first place - San Francisco.

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