The journalist set fire to the grass for a good background.

Channel One correspondent Mikhail Akinchenko, while on a business trip in the Shirinsky region of Khakassia, was included in the police reports. A local resident wrote a statement against him to the police. According to the woman, on the eve of Akinchenko, being five meters from the village of Kolodezny, he threw a cigarette butt on the ground ...

Moldova did not let the Russian journalists

The film crew of the TV Center channel was denied entry into the territory of Transnistria through Moldova due to the “unclear purpose of the visit.” The channel's journalists were heading to Tiraspol to prepare a report on the life of the republic. The film crew of the TV Center channel was unable to enter Transnistria through the territory...

In Kiev, killed journalist Oles Buzin

Ukrainian journalist Oles Buziny was killed at about 13.20 in the Shevchenko district of Kiev on Degtyarevskaya street near the house where he lived. According to the testimony of witnesses, two unknown persons were driving in a car, and one of them shot at Buzina. An investigative and operational group is working on the spot, in the city ...

Russian diplomat wanted to recruit an American blogger

American political activist and blogger David Swansan said on his blog War Is A Crime that he was offered to publish Russian propaganda about events in Ukraine for money. Swonsan claims that on March 20, at the university's law school...

Another Russian journalist became persona non grata in Moldova

Радиоведущему и блогеру Армену Гаспаряну запрещен въезд в Молдавию до 2020 года. Коллеги журналиста предположили, что причиной объявления радиоведущего персоной нон грата является его недавнее выступление на радио «Голос России» в передаче, посвященной событиям на Украине. Гаспарян прибыл в 8:15 (9:15…

Experiment: American watched Russian TV for a week

Journalist and writer Harry Shteyngart agreed to be part of an experiment in which he had to watch Kremlin propaganda channels for seven days in a row, with the opportunity to distract himself with two hours of physical exercise. “On a cold, sunny New Year's Eve in 2014, I am sitting on...

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