Sometimes Russian speakers, speaking in English, sound very rude. This is usually due to the fact that they very literally translate phrases that are pronounced normally in Russian, but do not sound very good in English. On his YouTube channel, Justin shared four moments when Russian-speaking...
Connect Party - the largest and most useful Russian-language networking party - will be held in Los Angeles on May 13. At this party you will be able to find the necessary contacts for joint growth, development and implementation of projects. The Connect Party will bring together entrepreneurs, IT specialists, representatives of creative professions and...
It is clear that if you think logically, it will become clear when to use the singular and when the plural. But there are some nuances and exceptions to the rules that are hard to come by in English, especially for Russian speakers. It was about such nuances that the Online publication told ...
As ForumDaily already reported, the number of Russian-speaking immigrants applying for political asylum in the United States has increased dramatically in the past year. Since it is almost impossible to obtain an American visa in Russia, the vast majority of such refugees try to enter the United States through the southern border, applying for ...
In California, a Russian-speaking woman was arrested, who is suspected of arson, which caused a forest fire and had to evacuate residents of the surrounding area. The publication 711web spoke about this in more detail. Workers at JF Shea and Mountain Gate reported seeing a woman trespassing. She led ...
The Russian-speaking diaspora in the United States is often reproached for lacking self-organization. For example, Latin American communities create their own human rights organizations, they are ready to fight not only for each compatriot, but also for other immigrants. In contrast to this, it is generally accepted that the natives ...
The USA is a very unusual country. They know a lot about it, but even more remains a source of myths and misconceptions. The author of the Made in USA blog on Yandex.Zen spoke about the three most popular misconceptions among Russian speakers about the United States of America. The state capital is not...
Anton Sakharov came to the United States in the 1990s with his parents as an 11-year-old. Over the years of his life in the United States, he not only became a successful IT specialist, but also tried himself as a candidate for governor of Washington state. “Having arrived, I hardly ...
A Russian-speaking resident of the United States is accused of murdering her mother. The suspect was arrested on July 10. Writes about this People. Angelina Volobuev, 29, was taken into custody on July 10 on suspicion of the murder of her 61-year-old mother, Nadezhda Volobuev. The woman was found dead in a house in ...
Police arrested seven Russian-speaking US residents on the central Oregon coast on Saturday night, July 4, over racist speech during Independence Day celebrations on the beach. Writes about this Oregon Live. Lincoln City, Oregon Metropolitan Police said these people were entering ...