How to fill out an application for US citizenship: step by step instructions

With 20 pages of questions (and another 18 pages of instructions), the Naturalization Application (Form N400) can be intimidating for many. Citizen Path explained how to understand it. Form N-400 (Application for Naturalization) can be prepared by most applicants without the assistance of an attorney. The main thing is to carefully approach...

The most common reasons why you may be denied a green card, and how to solve these problems

While obtaining green cards has enabled hundreds of thousands of people around the world to achieve their American dream, countless others have been frustrated by the process and have their visas revoked. There are main reasons for refusing a green card, according to EconomicTimes. To enjoy…

How to get US citizenship, if the spouse - American

US law allows spouses of US citizens born in other countries to acquire US citizenship. We offer you a detailed analysis of this process. Under US law, you can apply for naturalization under Section 319 (a) of the Immigration and Citizenship Act (INA) if: ...

Residents of US non-citizens rush to apply for citizenship

Residents of the United States, who for various reasons postponed obtaining citizenship, are in a hurry to complete the naturalization process in the country as soon as possible. Writes about this edition Florida has increased the number of residents applying for citizenship. Representatives of organizations told about this to journalists ...

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