Home Alone 2 fans can relive a day in the life of Kevin

The cult New Year's film “Home Alone-2” about Kevin's adventures in New York was released 25 years ago, and is still the favorite film of millions of TV viewers. One of the main locations of the film was the Plaza hotel, where the main character, performed by ...

The Plaza: the secrets of the most famous hotel in New York

The butler, who worked at the Plaza, the oldest hotel in New York, spoke about what the hotel staff have to deal with every day. The Times has published several secrets of a 147-year-old hotel located in the Great Army Square. What does the list of VIP clients look like? Corporate culture ...

Legendary hotel in New York will be sold at auction

One of the oldest and most famous hotels in New York, the Plaza Hotel, will be auctioned in April 2016. This was reported by Bloomberg, citing its source. The auction, which has not yet been officially announced, is planned to be organized by British billionaires on April 26 ...

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