16 Signs That Your Immune System Is Not Alright

The immune system is a collection of organs, tissues and cells that protects us from external influences that threaten our health. Thanks to her, we have immunity, explains Lifehacker. Every day it saves our lives: it repels attacks from viruses and bacteria, fights internal inflammation,...

Seven foods to eat in the fall so as not to get sick in the winter

One of the most beautiful and at the same time the most unpleasant seasons has begun - welcome to the world of handkerchiefs, cough syrups and cold pills. You don't want to, do you? It's time to take care of immunity now, so as not to get sick either in the fall or ...

Tattoos have a very strange effect on our immunity and body

When you get a tattoo and stick ink-filled needles into your skin, your body's immune systems react accordingly. Scientists aren't sure if this is good or bad for you, according to TheAtlantic. In the thousands of years that tattoos have existed, little has changed. The practice continues to include…

Medical Tips: 4 Signs of Weak Immunity and How to Fix It

Here are 4 signs you might have a weak immune system — and what to do about it, according to an immunologist, CNBC reports. The state of your immune system is always important, especially in the cold season. “As an immunologist and physician…

How not to eat breakfast so as not to destroy your immunity: advice from nutritionists

Nutritionists talk about the worst breakfast habits for your immune system, reports EatThisNotThat. Moving into the colder months of the year means wrap yourself up in your warmest clothing, trying to bolster your immune system so you have a chance to fight the season ...

If you had COVID-19, you got immunity from coronavirus for life: new study

According to a team of researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine, if you've had COVID-19, even a mild form, you've likely gained long-term immunity—likely for life, Theepochtime reports. The evidence is compelling and it should be enjoyable and...

In the United States recognized 'natural immunity' from COVID-19: it can be equated with vaccination

More than 65 million people have now recovered from the coronavirus infection in the United States. And while getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is critical to protecting against serious illness, hospitalizations, and death, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recognized the strong protection provided by…

Biden got the third vaccine against COVID-19: is there really any benefit from booster injections

Biden received a booster shot of the Covid-27 vaccine on September 19, according to CNBC. President Joe Biden received a Covid-19 booster shot on Monday in line with the latest guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The World Health Organization opposes ...

How long does immunity last after vaccination against COVID-19: data on different drugs

The COVID-19 vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna are very effective in preventing COVID-19 cases in real life settings, and research shows they should be effective over time. Health Line writes about it. However, it remains unclear how long vaccines prevent ...

How to strengthen children's immunity: top tips and useful recipes

Your child's immune system is just being formed. That is why the child gets sick more often than you. The task of parents is to help form a strong immunity and teach a child to lead a healthy lifestyle. How to strengthen the child's immunity? Unfortunately, this is not a one-day mission. But a day after ...

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