Source of infection: coronavirus can survive for a week on certain foods

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the FDA said there was no evidence of coronavirus infection through food or food packaging, new research suggests salmon could potentially carry traces ...

Infectionist names 14 everyday mistakes that increase the risk of contracting coronavirus

America continues to open up, but the coronavirus is still active and infects people everywhere, from the grocery store to parks and beaches. This does not mean spending warm days indoors, but it takes a little diligence, patience and understanding of how the disease spreads to ...

Scientists explain why men die from COVID-19 one and a half times more often than women

Men may have a slower immune response to coronavirus than women, and this could explain their higher mortality rate, Business Insider writes. According to a study by scientists from the University of Washington, a slow response of the immune system of men to the coronavirus can ...

'There are $ 300 billion': Trump proposed a second round of coronavirus payments

US President Donald Trump has put forward the idea of ​​redirecting unused funds to fight the coronavirus to secure a second round of financial aid payments to Americans. Writes about this But since Congress is still undecided on how or when to act, the prospect ...

American COVID-19 vaccine causes 'unexplained illness' in test subject

AstraZeneca, one of the companies involved in the development of a coronavirus vaccine, has suspended its research due to the "unexplained illness" of one of the test participants. Writes about this USA Today. The company has suspended its clinical trials of a COVID-19 vaccine worldwide and is now investigating the collateral ...

Russian vaccine against COVID-19 went into circulation: scientists doubt the authenticity of the data about it

The Russian Ministry of Health said that the first batch of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine has received permission for release and will soon appear in the regions of the country. After this, mass vaccination can begin, DW writes. The first batch of the Russian coronavirus vaccine “Sputnik V” has been released into civilian circulation,…

Live Death: Professor With COVID-19 Dies During Online Lesson

A college professor in Argentina who suffered from persistent symptoms of COVID-19 passed out and died at her home during a virtual lecture in front of her students. Writes about this New York Post. Paola De Simone, 46, who taught XNUMXth century world history ...

'This is real torture': the story of a woman living with symptoms of COVID-19 for six months

Monique Jackson is confident that she caught Covid-19 at the beginning of the pandemic, but almost six months later, she is still sick. Realizing that her case is rare, she keeps an illustrated diary of her symptoms and futile attempts to get treatment, writes the BBC. About a year ago Monique Jackson ...

Results of tests of the Russian vaccine against COVID-19 published

The Lancet journal published the official results of the first two phases of trials of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine, developed by the N.F. National Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology. Gamaleya. Preliminary data shows that the vaccine produces a good antibody response and does not cause serious side effects. He writes about this...

Coronavirus on an airplane: how high is the risk of getting infected while traveling

In airplanes, large numbers of passengers travel in close proximity for several hours. So how risky is flying amid the COVID-19 pandemic? Express has found out whether you are increasing your chances of contracting COVID-19 by traveling by plane. In recent days, much has been written about ...

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