In the US, a dream job is open: you need to lie on the mattress all the time

The American company offers applicants a paid internship. An American mattress company is recruiting for a paid internship as a mattress tester in Houston, Texas, Today writes. On topic: How to find a legal job in the USA in a week In the description...

$ 8 000 per week: 5 jobs where Russian is needed

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

7 job search myths in the US

Now that unemployment is so low and hundreds of thousands of jobs remain unfilled, it's time to look around. There are many generally accepted opinions about work and job search in the United States that can be misleading. To begin with, you must warn your ...

Jobs of the week, where you will be paid for knowing Russian up to $ 124 thousand per year

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

5 posts with a salary of $ 75 thousand per year that do not need a higher education

It is not only holders of a complete higher education that can get a high-paying job in the United States. Even after two years of college and an associate degree, you can earn more than $ 75 a year. CNBC Make It ...

7 vacancies for Russian speakers with $ 18.75 per hour

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

Top week vacancies for ours with pay up to $ 8000 per week

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

The most important thing for truck drivers: convenient schedule and high income

Where to start a new life in a new country - this question arises before every immigrant leaving the American airport. It is believed that getting a job with a high salary without long training or complex retraining is unrealistic. However, our today's hero completely refutes this ...

6 week vacancies for Russian speakers with payment up to $ 18 per hour

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

How much do nurses earn in each state of the USA and how to get this specialty

Nurses are the main workforce in the healthcare system. Their work is very difficult, but fortunately it pays well. In addition, this industry is constantly expanding and even experiences a shortage of personnel, so those who want to build a career in this field have good prospects.…

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