The Economist writes how Ukrainians get rich

Western powers need to increase support for Ukraine, add financial assistance and reduce its debt burden to turn it into a prosperous country. The Economist writes about this in its material, explaining that the West provided similar support to Poland after the collapse of the social bloc. Now the Poles ...

CNN: China is not an option for Russia in solving the crisis with the West

The two countries are deepening trade relations amid a general mistrust of the United States. However, it is unlikely that Russia's sharp turn towards Asia will help close the gap created by the burning of bridges with the West. Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping in this ...

Opened the vacancies whistleblowers Russian propaganda

The EU's foreign policy service has announced the recruitment of specialists to combat Russian anti-Western propaganda. The job description sent to the embassies of the EU member states states that the task of new employees will be to correct and verify misinformation. In addition, the responsibilities will include regular updating of information about the EU ...

The Guardian: The West in vain writes off debts to Ukraine

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Probably, the same can be said about the attitude of the West towards Ukraine. On March 11, the International Monetary Fund announced that Kiev will receive a $ 40 billion financial assistance package, which will consist of 17,5 ...

The Wall Street Journal: Amid growing tensions with the West, Russia is louder and louder with nuclear weapons

“It was an unusual Valentine's Day for students from all over Russia who came to a military institute in the vicinity of Moscow. It was a date with the Topol, the intercontinental ballistic missile at the heart of the country’s nuclear arsenal,” writes Paul Sonn, Moscow correspondent for The Wall Street Journal.…

Newsweek: Putin is 'pretending to be crazy' to fool the West

Muammar Gaddafi pretended to be crazy to confuse and frighten his opponents, says Newsweek columnist Elizabeth Brough. “Vladimir Putin recently seems to have chosen a similar strategy: he either seems depressed, or seems to be losing touch with reality, or somewhere else altogether...

The New York Times: the west refuses to celebrate Victory Day with Putin

“For many decades, Victory Day has been one of the least controversial holidays on the international stage,” writes Maxim Trudolyubov, editor of the Russian newspaper Vedomosti, in his column for the New York Times. Today, even the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War has become...

The Business Insider: Russia and the West live in different worlds

Extending US and EU sanctions against Russia is a commitment to a policy that has already proven unsuccessful and has no chance of success in the future, says American expert Clifford G. Gaddy in an article published by The Business Insider. The article was first published on the website...

The “anti-American rage” in Russia is now stronger than in Soviet times

After a year of fierce rhetoric on the Russian airwaves, outrage at the United States in Russia peaked for the entire period of relevant polls, according to The Washington Post. Observers say the wave of anti-American hatred, the most violent since Stalin, ...

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