US Navy refuses touch control on ships, which led to the death of sailors

The US Navy is returning mechanical control to its ships instead of touch. The reason was problems during training to control new sensor systems, as well as an investigation into a collision of a destroyer and a tanker in 2017. Writes about this TJournal. US National Transportation Security Council ...

US Recreates Atlantic Second Fleet in Response to Russia's Increasing Activity

The US naval forces are increasing their presence in the Atlantic Ocean and will re-establish military command structures there from July 1 in response to the growing activity of the Russian naval forces in the region. About the decision to restore the Second Fleet, almost seven years after ...

American intelligence reported on strengthening the power of the Russian fleet

The Russian Navy has 186 combat-ready submarines and ships, which makes it the third largest in the world in size. This is stated in the report "Russian Fleet: Historical Transformation", which was prepared by the US Naval Intelligence Agency expert George Fedoroff at the request of the Pentagon. In the first place are the US naval forces, which ...

Ukraine celebrates the Day of the Navy

In Ukraine, the Day of the Navy is celebrated on July 5. The main celebrations were held in Odessa. The sailors were congratulated by Mikhail Saakashvili (Chairman of the Odessa Regional Administration), Gennady Trukhanov (Mayor of Odessa) and Sergei Gaiduk (Fleet Commander). Everyone could visit the ships of the Naval Forces of Ukraine. On Primorsky Boulevard passed ...

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