USCIS has closed offices and support centers in Texas due to Hurricane Harvey: list

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that some of its offices and Support Centers in Texas may be closed due to Hurricane Harvey. The list of the offices that fell under the temporary closure is published on the department's website. USCIS advises you to read it ...

Harvey has gained the strength of the 4 hurricane category and threatens to become more destructive than Sandy

Hurricane Harvey approaching Texas may be more devastating than Sandy, which hit the northeastern United States in 2012. Harvey is expected to enter the central Texas coast on the evening of August 25 or the morning of August 26, writes The New York Post. ...

Hurricane Harvey in Texas caused a food collapse

According to forecasters, on August 25, a powerful hurricane Harvey will hit Texas, in connection with which residents of the state are stocking up on water and food. A sharp increase in demand led to a shortage of many goods in the store, which led to fights between some buyers for ...

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