How they simulate snow, rain, heat and other bad weather in the movies

Disgusting weather is a screenwriter's friend. It is worth leaving the heroes in the desert with an empty flask or throwing them into the arms of the frost, as the plot is rapidly gaining momentum, and passions are off scale to the limit. The KinoPoisk portal found out how different weather bad weather is created on the screen. Cold How it's done: The easiest way to create in the frame ...

Our people in Hollywood: who makes special effects for Britney Spears

This year, Gloria FX won the MTV Music Awards in the Best Visual Effects category for its work on the “Where Are U Now” video with Justin Bieber. Moreover, this team worked on four of the five videos that competed for the statuette. Few…

Ukrainians first won the Best Special Effect nomination at the MTV Music Awards

For the first time in the history of the MTV Music Awards, the Ukrainian special effects company Gloria FX won the nomination “Best Special Effect 2015”. The MTV statuette was awarded to Skrillex and Justin Bieber's "Where Are U Now" video. MTV nominated Gloria FX four times for “Best Special Effect 2015”: FKA Twigs…

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