What social services can New Yorkers receive this summer?

Immigrants from almost all over the world live in New York, so the city hall takes care of their well-being and regularly offers a variety of services. Here are the new social programs that city residents can take advantage of this summer. Financial assistance to install an air conditioner or ...

Trump can deport immigrants for social benefits

The Donald Trump administration is considering several new regulations that aim to create new restrictions on immigrants. In particular, entry may be prohibited for immigrants whom immigration officials suspect of receiving social assistance after arriving in the United States ...

Brighton Beach chose Trump: what changes do residents of the legendary "Russian" district of New York want?

Residents of the famous Russian-speaking district of New York - Brighton Beach - are celebrating their victory. The majority of voters in the so-called “little Odessa” cast their votes for billionaire Donald Trump. Don't forget that New York State voted for Hillary Clinton, but some areas have traditionally supported Republicans.…

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