In Tel Aviv, a woman was detained, cutting the rope of a high-altitude washer outside her window

A 36-year-old Tel Aviv woman was detained by police after she cut the rope of a high-rise washer working outside her window. According to Walla News, the building committee of a multi-storey building on Yirmiyahu Street in Tel Aviv turned on May 11 to a company providing “snapping” services with a request to clean...

New York police opened a robbery on the trail of pasta

NYPD uncovered a robbery of a restaurant and detained three intruders on a pasta trail. Law enforcement officers discovered at the crime scene that the robbers had forgotten gloves, a few coins from the cash register, and had not finished their pasta dish. A clear trail of pieces of food led to ...

UN blames US for human rights abuses

The US authorities have rejected the claims made by the UN concerning the violation of human rights in the country. At the same time, at a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, US representatives acknowledged that the country has a problem of excessive use of force by law enforcement officers ...

In Macedonia in clashes with terrorists killed eight policemen

Eight police officers were killed and 37 injured in clashes with an armed group in the city of Kumanovo in northern Macedonia. This was announced by the press secretary of the police Ivo Kotevska. According to him, now the police operation on "one of the most dangerous terrorist organizations in the Balkans has been neutralized." Kotevski ...

The mayor of Baltimore asks to investigate the activities of the local police

Baltimore authorities will ask the US Department of Justice to check the local police station for systematic use of excessive force or discrimination in connection with the recent death of an African American who died in custody. This was announced on Wednesday by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. Mayor's request for ...

Crisis between blacks and police observed in Congress

In the United States, relations between the black population and law enforcement officials have reached the level of a national crisis. This opinion was expressed on Sunday by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Republican John Boehner, in an interview with NBC. When asked by a journalist, “do you think this is about national...

20 policemen injured during Tel Aviv riots

During clashes between demonstrators and police in Rabin Square in Tel Aviv, at least 20 police officers were injured. Among the demonstrators, at least 7 people were injured. One of the news channel videographers was stabbed in the face. Chinese news agency reporter ...

American is suing hospital for leg dumped

Florida resident John Timiriaseff is suing Doctors Hospital in Coral Gables for dumping his amputated leg into a landfill. Reported by Reuters. A leg with a label with the patient's name on it was found ...

The Obama administration will allocate $ 20 million for wearable cameras for police

The US Department of Justice announced that the Obama administration will provide $ 20 million in grants to local police departments as part of a pilot program aimed at increasing police use of body cameras. Such an initiative was taken after the recent mass protests over the death of a 25-year-old ...

Obama treats riots in Baltimore as criminals

US President Barack Obama said on Tuesday that those responsible for the unrest in Baltimore should be treated as criminals. Riotic street protests erupted Monday following the funeral of 25-year-old African American Freddie Gray, who died earlier this month in custody ...

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