Why the most famous mobster of America was killed

The head of the American mafia, James Bulger, is no longer alive. The body of an 89-year-old gangster named Whitey was found in a prison cell at Hazleton, where he had been transferred the day before for his own safety. In 2015, the whole world learned about the head of the Boston mafia: his story was told in the film "Black Mass". About,…

Why the formidable Mafia Al Capone went to prison and became a janitor

Many films have been made about “Great Al”, hundreds of books have been written, and his personality has become a cult figure. What can I say - everyone has heard about Capone, a legend of the criminal world, a racketeer, a killer, a mafia boss, a reformer, a bootlegger and a pimp. A man who was sent to prison not for dozens of murders...

Ruthless thief in law: how the father of the Russian mafia kept all Brighton Beach at bay

It became the nightmare of the "Russian" district of New York - Brighton Beach, and the patronage of the famous Sicilian "Cosa Nostra" allowed the Agron gang to arrange a real chaos across the ocean. However, the Italian mafiosi did not accept Yevsey into the "family", and when their interests crossed, they sent him to the "Russian" ...

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