Ten best and worst airports in the world

Newark Liberty Airport has been officially named the worst airport in the United States, according to a new ranking list from AirHelp, which annually ranks airports around the world based on key metrics. The New Jersey airport ranked lowest in the U.S., at 116 out of 132 worldwide. AirHelp organization…

5 the most punctual airports in the world

Travel can infuriate even the most reserved and sane person, especially if you are flying. Long connections, crazy delays and canceled flights can drive even the most psychologically tough travelers crazy. Here are five airports to be nervous about ...

Pulkovo, Sheremetyevo and Sochi airports are recognized as the best in Europe

The prestigious ASQ Award, which is awarded by the Montreal-based Airports Council International for excellence in service at airports, was shared by South Korea's Incheon and Singapore's Changi at the end of 2015. As noted, among Changi’s latest innovations are two XNUMX-hour cinemas, which are free...

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