10 is the worst for the life of US cities

Choosing a city to live in always requires a compromise. For example, New York City boasts a fast-growing job market and a host of opportunities for its residents, but it is also one of the most expensive places to live in the country. An alternative could be Houston, ...

San Francisco for 10 years has become less livable

Last week, The Economist published its annual report on the global quality of life in 140 cities around the world, writes The Curbed. The good news is that, overall, numbers rose for the first time in a decade worldwide, with an average of ...

10 is the worst for the life of US cities

The quality of life in an American city depends primarily on the crime rate and the city's well-being. Also, the overall quality of life can be reduced due to other factors that affect the majority of residents. In total, Americans make decisions about where to live based on ...

New York tap water recognized as the best in the region

The quality and taste of New York City tap water has once again been recognized at the regional level - tap water supplied to the apartments of residents of the largest American metropolis won first place in the Regional Metro Tap Water Taste Test. Visitors to the American Museum of Natural History, ...

Old age is a joy: the ten best states for retirees

It turns out that retirees in the United States would not really want to live by the ocean. It is important for older people that they have enough money for many years. The renowned portal Bancrate.com has selected the best states for retirees to live. When choosing states, experts took into account several important criteria: ...

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