Muslims and unbelievers are not admitted: Ukrainians launched a dating site for Christians in the USA

Activists of the public organization "Territory of Responsibility" have created a mobile dating application Eden, which is designed only for Christians from all over the world, writes MC Today. “Millions of Christians from all over the world want to get to know each other and create families, and the Internet is the most convenient way to do this,” states ...

Infographics: Islam to 2050, take over the world

World religions for centuries have been the most powerful factors in the development of mankind. The Pew Research Center analyzed the possible future of the world's religions, taking into account the age of believers and the birth rate. The forecasts came out interesting. In particular, the study showed that after 35 years, almost every third person ...

Video: how world religions were born and spread

[fbvideo link=»» width=»500″ height=»400″ onlyvideo=»1″] Business Insider created an impressive video showing the birth of world religions and their distribution throughout the world. “Forum” previously wrote that the United States is one of the most religious countries in the developed world, but God is losing the hearts of Americans, says...

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