In 2018, the law on paid maternity leave will take effect in New York

On January 1, New York will enter into force a law obliging employers to provide paid parental leave for parents of newborn babies, writes CBS. Thus, New York will become the fourth US state to provide paid parental leave; a similar measure ...

American Express will give all parents 20 weeks of paid vacation

People planning to have a baby will find it much more profitable to work for American Express, a financial services company. Beginning in January 2017, the corporation will begin providing employees with children up to 20 weeks of vacation with full pay, CNN reports. Another 6-8 weeks ...

Top 10 Companies in the USA for Working Moms

Working Mother magazine has published an annual list of American companies offering the best deals for working mothers. Every company on the list offers paid maternity leave, 96% of them are also willing to provide paid leave for young fathers. In addition, companies ...

California may allow small companies to go on maternity leave

The Governor of California is considering a bill that would allow workers in small companies to take 6 weeks of maternity leave with job security. The bill, dubbed SB 654, received the required number of votes in the Senate on Wednesday and is now awaiting the signature of the state governor. This bill will allow parents to ...

Yahoo CEO has chosen to work for newborn twins

Paid parental leave has become one of the most discussed topics of the outgoing year, Fastcompany notes. Netflix has revised its policy on this issue and offered its employees 12 to 16 weeks of paid parental leave. ...

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg goes on maternity leave

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg will go on maternity leave for two months after the birth of his daughter. He announced this on his official page on the social network. “This is a very personal decision, and I decided to take two months of parental leave,” - ...

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