In Russia, they decided to plant obscenities at home and at work

The Russian State Duma Committee on Legislation has decided to support a bill on liability for those who use foul language in residential premises. A fine for obscene language can be obtained even now, but only if cursing in public places, writes the BBC. The authors of the bill toughening the punishment for ...

Analysts at Fox News have been removed for swearing at Obama. VIDEO

Two Fox News analysts were suspended from work for two weeks for obscene language, which they commented on Sunday's address to the nation by US President Barack Obama, according to The Hollywood Reporter. In particular, retired Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters on the air of the Varney talk show ...

Lavrov swore at a press conference, but the ministry heard that he coughed. VIDEO

It is not known to whom the obscene words of the head of the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Sergei Lavrov, were addressed. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov swore obscenely at a joint press conference with the Saudi Arabian foreign minister in Moscow. The corresponding video was posted on YouTube by Nikolay Kotovsky. ...

Roskomnadzor calculated how many bloggers swear

The most frequent violation of Russian bloggers was foul language. As Roskomnadzor calculated, it was she who accounted for 60% of all violations. This is followed by the propaganda of drugs (24%), insulting the feelings of believers (6%), extremism and propaganda of Nazi paraphernalia (5% each). On August 1, 2014, Russia entered ...

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