What kind of accommodation can be rented in Miami for $ 1500: April's best deals

Every month we publish the best deals on the rental market in major cities in America. Today we propose to pay attention to 10 apartments in Miami that can be rented for $ 1500 per month, according to the real estate website Zillow. 1. One bedroom apartment ...

What kind of accommodation can be rented in Chicago for $ 1500

The standard of living in Chicago is 23% higher than in the country, the salary of a resident of the city averages $ 62 per year or $ 791 per month, writes PayScale. Here's what you can rent in the Windy City for $ 5232. According to RentCafe, the average ...

What kind of accommodation can be rented in Los Angeles for $ 1500

The cost of living in Los Angeles, California is 43% higher than the national average, and the median monthly rental price is $ 2371, according to Rent Cafe. You can save a lot by renting an apartment in the city for $ 1500 per month. Here are a few ...

What kind of accommodation can be rented for $ 1500 in Washington DC

The cost of living in Washington, D.C. is 39% higher than the national average, and the average monthly rental cost is $2139, according to Rent Cafe. You can save a lot by renting an apartment in the city for $1500 per month. Here are a few...

What kind of accommodation can be rented in Miami for $ 1500 per month

According to Payscale, the cost of living in Miami is 14,4% higher than the national average. At the same time, the average salary of a city resident is $52491, or $4374 per month. Of this, $1724, also on average, is spent on rent, Rentcafe reports. ...

More and more residents of Los Angeles secretly live in cars because of expensive rent

Кевин Ресинос полный день работает в организации, помогающей бездомным Лос-Анджелеса (Калифорния). Когда аренда его квартиры повысилась на 200 долларов в месяц, бездомным стал он сам. Теперь Кевин — один из примерно 9 000 «тайных» бездомных города. Это вполне солидные и…

What kind of accommodation can be rented in New York for $ 1500

The cost of living in New York is 129% higher than the national average, so the question of finding budget housing is always relevant. These are the apartments you can rent in the city for $ 1500 a month. According to the Payscale portal, the average salary of a city resident is $ 69 ...

How to find cheap housing in New York: existing apartment lotteries

Affordable apartments in New York City aren't easy to find, but luckily, NYC Housing Connect is a one-stop shop for all affordable units (some in affordable buildings, others in luxury ones). Here are some lotteries open in…

How much does it cost to rent a house in the US: prices are going wild

Like temperatures, rents typically peak in mid-summer, and this year it's not just the sun that's really heating up. The average rent in the US hit $1 in July, a record high, making renters nostalgic...

Why more Americans are renting housing in apartment complexes

По статистике, около 40% американцев снимают жилье, и этот показатель растет с 1965 года. Среди причин — меньшие ежемесячные выплаты, чем при покупке, ежемесячные выплаты, нежелание, особенно молодежи, привязываться к определенному месту, а также — удобство проживания в квартирных комплексах.…

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