
You can write off up to $7430: How the Earned Income Tax Credit Works

Tax season has officially begun, and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is urging tax filers to check if they qualify for one of the most commonly overlooked tax breaks, AL reports. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a tax benefit for…

Bad tax advice: what not to do, even if the Internet advises you to try

On January 29, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) began accepting and processing 2023 returns. If you are just preparing to report on your income last year, do not listen to advice on the Internet. Unverified advice from the Internet can lure honest taxpayers into fraudulent...

Eight Tax Return Mistakes That Can Cause Problems

Today, January 29, the IRS began accepting 2023 returns. Paying taxes isn't cheap, but you can make it even more difficult and costly if you make mistakes on your return, Yahoo reminds. Here are the 10 most common tax mistakes residents make...

What happens if you do not pay taxes in the United States

The new tax season is approaching, and while most Americans are preparing to file their taxes, there are those who won't. People don't file tax returns for various reasons: a difficult divorce, death or illness of loved ones, and sometimes they just don't want to, thinking that...

The IRS has released the calendar for the new tax season: when will they begin accepting returns for 2023?

The IRS will begin accepting and processing 2023 tax returns on January 29, Money reports. The IRS said in a Jan. 8 press release that it expects to receive more than 128 million individual income tax returns by the April 15 deadline. Thanks to a massive injection of cash...

'Inverted taxes': in the US, the poor pay more to the country than the rich

A new analysis has found that a total of 44 of the 50 US states are exacerbating social inequality by allowing the rich to pay a smaller share of their income in taxes, while people with low incomes are forced to pay more of it, reports the Guardian.…

IRS Announces Tax Rates for 2024: How Much You'll Have to Pay

On November 9, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced it was raising tax rate thresholds and the standard amount Americans can deduct from their taxes. CNBC writes about this. These changes are two of several adjustments based on rising inflation. They…

The IRS will launch a free program for filing returns

The IRS is pursuing a plan to create its own free tax filing program known as Direct File. The pilot will be available to some taxpayers in 13 states next year, CNN reports. The IRS is conducting an overhaul of its operations - despite...

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