5 kg of powerful explosives stolen from military base in California

Sources say about 10 pounds (4,5 kg) of C-4 from Twentynine Palms Marine Base, California, disappeared during a lengthy exercise two weeks ago. They believe the explosives could have been stolen. Writes about this 10news. According to sources, the commander ...

There was a video bookmark explosives under the car Sheremet

The Observer has obtained surveillance camera recordings made several hours before the murder of Pavel Sheremet. The explosive device under the Subaru car in which Pavel went to the morning broadcast was planted by a woman. The camera footage shows that he worked with her and...

In Ukraine, raccoons will be trained to look for explosives. VIDEO

In Ukraine, Kharkov sappers want to train raccoons to look for explosive devices. It has long been known that these animals have no worse scent than dogs. In addition, raccoons are very intelligent animals, they are easy to train. Raccoon Kryuk Kharkiv sappers found this spring, ...

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