Up to $ 155 000 per year for your Russian: interesting vacancies of the week

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

From the tutor to the designer at Apple: job vacancies with knowledge of the Russian language

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

6 current vacancies for ours in USA

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

7 remote work options with pay up to $ 166 per year

Forget the stress of commuting to work, crowded streets and rush hour traffic. Remote vacancies provide new perspectives - to work while remaining in the comfort of your home. In recent years, interest in working from home has increased dramatically. ...

Google, Ukraine International Airlines and others: vacancies where you will be paid for knowing the Russian language

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

The most popular job among college graduates: 10 jobs with pay up to $ 83 000 per year

If you happen to be among the graduates of 2019, consider yourself lucky - you are entering one of the best hiring markets in recent history. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), thanks to the continuous increase in the number of jobs for more than ...

Jobs of the week, where you will be paid for knowing Russian up to $ 108 thousand per year

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

$ 8 000 per week: 5 jobs where Russian is needed

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

7 vacancies for Russian speakers with $ 18.75 per hour

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

6 week vacancies for Russian speakers with payment up to $ 18 per hour

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

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