Work for Russian speakers with salaries up to $ 195 thousand

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

Jobs with knowledge of the Russian language and a salary of up to $ 80 thousand

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

What job can be found in the USA with knowledge of Russian language

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

UPS hires 95 thousands of employees for the holidays

Parcel delivery company UPS (United Parcel Service) is hiring an additional 95 employees for the holiday season, from November to January. At the moment, UPS has announced the opening of 6 thousand of these vacancies, writes The Penny Hoarder. Requirements…

10 professions that are worth their weight in gold in 2017

The labor market fluctuates, and it is difficult to predict which professions will be in demand and which will not. In the meantime, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has published information on 10 professions that will be highly popular in 2017. Wind Turbine Technician No wonder the job of a wind turbine technician ...

Prestigious job vacancies with knowledge of Russian language

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

Jobs of the week for Russian speakers with a salary of up to $ 190 thousand

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

City of New York announced the recruitment of employees

The Job Fair in various New York City departments begins on November 2. According to the authorities, there are open positions in almost all departments of the city. New York is especially interested in specialists in the fields of communications, architecture, finance and public safety. In total, as noted in the information ...

Vacancies for Russian speakers with salaries up to $ 178 thousand

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

10 highly paid part time jobs

Part-time jobs don't always mean low income. Time has selected 10 part-time jobs from the FlexJobs database that generate $ 50 / hour or more. 1. Production manager Hourly pay: $ 50 / hour, 12-20 hours per week 2. Jazz: music teacher Hourly pay: $ 51.05 ...

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