Scientists from the United States discovered the "genes of the Holocaust"

American scientists have discovered genetic changes in Holocaust survivors. According to experts, genes can be inherited. The studies were carried out at the Mount Sinai Medical Complex in New York. Experts studied the genes of 32 Jewish men and women who survived imprisonment in concentration camps, tortured or ...

Scientists have proposed to treat obesity at the level of DNA

  American scientists have determined how the variant of the FTO gene, which is responsible for predisposition to obesity, works. The study was published in The New England Journal of Medicine and summarized by Science. During the experiment, the authors found that ...

American scientists have grown the human brain in the laboratory

Scientists in the United States have grown the human brain for the first time in a laboratory. The organoid, grown from skin cells, is slightly larger than a pea, but is functionally and structurally almost identical to the brain of a five-week-old human fetus. The rudimentary spinal cord and eye departs from the organoid. As scientists explain, ...

In the US, scientists have found monkfish

Scientists from Nova Southeastern University in Florida have found true monkfish at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. A completely new subspecies of deep-sea fish from the Ceratioid angler family has been found. It is they who are also called monkfish. This fish lives at a depth from ...

American robot has proven to be able to think

Robotics from Rensselier Polytechnic Institute in New York, led by Professor Selmer Bringsjord, conducted a self-awareness test on three robots, one of which successfully completed the test. And although the level of development of consciousness of this robot is still quite low, this is a real technological breakthrough. The task…

American scientists have invented “anti-aging pills”

A group of scientists from the American Albert Einstein College, led by Israeli Nir Barzilai, has invented “anti-aging pills.” Scientists said they are ready to begin testing them on humans. We are talking about a drug that has been used to treat diabetes for more than 50 years. Its composition...

Scientists from California want to call a new species of mollusks “lovely”

Scientists at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (California) are describing a new species of octopus - small, cute, coral-colored cephalopods that have been studied since 1990. Researcher Stephanie Bush suggests calling the species Opisthoteuthis Adorabilis. The adjective “adorable” is taken seriously for the name, because these octopuses, ...

American Nobel laureate is ready to support Russian scientists

American biologist James Watson, Nobel laureate of 1962, who discovered the double helix of DNA, said he was ready to support young talented scientists from Russia and China. On Wednesday, during Watson's visit to the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), a ceremony will be held to return the Nobel medal, which he bought ...

Scientists have lived eight months in isolation in Hawaii

A scientific experiment that lasted for eight months ended in Hawaii. A group of six scientists all this time lived in an isolated dome. He simulated a colonist base to be created on Mars, as well as a spaceship that flies to this planet. ...

American scientists have created an ultralight porous metal that does not sink

American scientists have presented an ultra-lightweight porous metal that can float on water. The new metal matrix composite was developed by specialists from Deep Springs Technology and the Polytechnic School of Engineering, New York University, with the participation of the US Army. The Pentagon expects to use the potential of the revolutionary material to create ...

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