Engineers and programmers: work for ours with payment up to $ 21 per hour

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

From Apple to New York Life: Current Jobs for Russian-Speakers Paying Up to $ 145 000 per Year

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

From the International Monetary Fund to Yandex: prestigious vacancies of the week for Russian speakers

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

'To fight for minds': Zelensky wants to create an international Russian-language channel

To strengthen its position in the information war, an international Russian-language channel will be created in Ukraine. This was stated by Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Kirill Tymoshenko. “We have developed an option for launching a Ukrainian Russian-language channel, with which we will be able to cover the Russian-speaking population around the world,”...

From Apple to the FBI: work for ours, where up to $ 145 000 per year is paid for Russian

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

From creative writer at Google to trucker: interesting vacancies for Russian speakers

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

From trucker to FBI agent: vacancies of the week for Russian speakers

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

Whole families came: in Pushkin dictation was first held in New York

Almost 40 people took part in the event, noted Marina Ivannikova, a Sunday school teacher at St. Nicholas Cathedral in Manhattan and vice-president of the Russian Youth of America society. “Pushkin Dictation” was held for the first time in New York, and both compatriots and English-speaking Americans took part in it. About it…

From the tutor to the designer at Apple: job vacancies with knowledge of the Russian language

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

6 current vacancies for ours in USA

In our weekly article, we have collected the freshest and most relevant vacancies where knowledge of the Russian language will come in handy. It's very simple: if you are interested in a vacancy, just follow the link to send your resume with a cover letter, or call directly - and without ...

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