Friday the 13th: creepy facts about this day and the origin of superstitions

Today is January 13, and even Friday, which means that one of the most unsuccessful days of the year has come. What do you know about it, besides the fact that for some reason this is the unluckiest day? Why is everyone so afraid of him and is it necessary to be afraid of such coincidences at all? ...

Friday the 13th: why this day is considered unlucky and in which countries they are not afraid of it at all

Today is Friday the 13th, the most unlucky day of the year. Or maybe not? Why do people always think that something bad will happen on this day. The BBC edition tried to figure out where the superstition about this day came from and whether everyone is afraid of Friday the 13th.…

On Friday, 13, Americans will be able to see a rare astronomical phenomenon

On Friday evening, September 13th, the stunning Harvest Moon will rise in the eastern sky and will be visible every night over the weekend. Although the official full moon moment is actually at 12:33 pm ET on Saturday the 14th, the Moon doesn't care ...

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