The IRS has released the calendar for the new tax season: when will they begin accepting returns for 2023?

The IRS will begin accepting and processing 2023 tax returns on January 29, Money reports. The IRS said in a Jan. 8 press release that it expects to receive more than 128 million individual income tax returns by the April 15 deadline. Thanks to a massive injection of cash...

The IRS will launch a free program for filing returns

The IRS is pursuing a plan to create its own free tax filing program known as Direct File. The pilot will be available to some taxpayers in 13 states next year, CNN reports. The IRS is conducting an overhaul of its operations - despite...

IRS asks Americans not to file tax returns yet: what is the reason

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is asking millions of taxpayers in California, Colorado and other states that granted tax breaks last year to delay filing tax returns, CBS reports. The service said it is trying to find out whether these tax credits and special refunds are considered taxable…

Tax calendar for 2023: when to wait for important forms and file a return

April 15th is usually tax day. But the date that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will start processing electronically filed tax returns varies from year to year, according to USAToday. For example, last year the agency began accepting individual declarations on January 24th. But in…

Four key dates this tax season to remember

Tax filing season officially begins on January 24th. This day is one of four key tax dates announced by the IRS on January 10, according to MoneyTalksNews On January 24, the IRS will begin accepting and processing tax returns for 2021. So, if you are an early bird,…

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