A woman lived for 500 days in a cave in complete isolation: it affected her body worse than she expected

Spaniard Beatrice Flamini always sought solitude. After the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, she decided to spend 500 days in a cave in complete isolation - in order to set a record and mentally prepare for a long journey through the Gobi Desert, Meduza reports. During the experiment...

Facebook happiness: how social networks reflect reality

We humans are often overconfident. We tend to rate ourselves "above average" in various categories, from attractiveness and ability to altruism to driving skills. But there is an area in which positive self-esteem fails us, and it relates to our ...

A Christmas video about loneliness has gathered about 20 million views

The Christmas video of the German supermarket chain Edeka, which was published on November 28, collected almost 20 million views in just a few days. The video tells a sad and touching story about an elderly man who celebrates Christmas alone year after year because ...

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