Prehistoric delicacy: scientists have created a meatball of mammoth meat

An incredible exhibit has appeared at the Amsterdam Science Museum - meatball made from mammoth meat. The BBC writes about this. Scientists have managed to create artificial flesh using DNA from woolly mammoths and elephants. The project, in collaboration with Australian scientists, was carried out by Vow, a company that produces artificial meat.…

Scientists raised $ 15 million to revive the mammoth: why is it needed

The company raised $ 15 million to revive the woolly mammoth, The Guardian reported. Scientists are thinking about creating a hybrid elephant-mammoth, the first cubs of which are expected in six years. Ten thousand years after the woolly mammoths disappeared from the face of the Earth, scientists begin ...

Scientists have activated mammoth cells, as in 'Jurassic Park'

A team of scientists from Japan and Russia managed to “awaken” the cells of the baby mammoth Yuki, a young female woolly mammoth who lived in Yakutia 28 thousand years ago. This gives hope that a long-extinct animal can be cloned and this species brought back to life...

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