10 airports in the US, where it is dangerous to use Wi-Fi

What people love most about airports isn't the fancy restaurants or exclusive lounge areas. This is fast and free Wi-Fi. However, you might want to think twice before connecting to wireless Internet next time at some airports...

A US court sentenced a Russian programmer to five years

  Russian programmer Mark Vartanyan was sentenced to 5 years in prison for cyber fraud by the Atlanta federal court. The Associated Press reports. In November 2016, Vartanyan was extradited from Norway. He was charged with computer fraud. Mark Vartanyan, also known ...

X-NUMX data of millions of Verizon customers leaked to the Internet

Verizon has confirmed that 6 million customer data has been leaked online. The security problem, discovered by researchers at cybersecurity firm UpGuard, appears to be due to “human error”—someone incorrectly entered security settings on a cloud server. The error resulted in telephone numbers…

A blogger from Virginia helped catch the Ukrainian hacker Muhu

A federal court in the state of New Jersey refused to release from prison on bail the Ukrainian Sergei Vovnenko, who was extradited last week from Italy, where he was detained on June 12, 2014 on an American warrant. According to prosecutors, living in Naples during the reporting period ...

Russian hackers hacked server Dow Jones

A group of allegedly Russian hackers, breaking into the servers of Dow Jones & Co., the owner of the Wall Street Journal and several other news outlets, stole information of interest to bidders prior to its publication, Bloomberg reported, citing sources. According to them, the investigation of the incident ...

FBI suspects Russian and Chinese hackers in hacking Clinton mail

FBI cyberspace security investigators will try to find out if hackers from Russia, China or other countries got unauthorized access to mail and whether they tried to forward any of Clinton's letters, including those that contained classified ...

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